„Always help and never harm, just build and never destruct!” This was the theory, which controlled my thoughts and acts in my whole life.
And what fate brought? My invention, the whole-body polarized light therapy stand for this ars poetica in curing.
MÁRTA FENYŐ Inventor, physicist, biophysicist
STUDIES 1964-69 ELTE TTK, research physics major 1978-81 Institute of Biophysics, Semmelweis Medical University
1969-78 Research physicist at the Research and Development Institute of the Medicor Works. Early inventions: OPTIX X-ray image corrector, automated blood group determination, qualitative haemogram determination by digital image processing; research in the field of ultrasound diagnostics
1978-81 Research of the biological effects of laser light on molecular level at the Biophysical Institute of the Semmelweis Medical University
1987-88 Investigation of the immune modulating effect of polarized light in tumorous animals at the Joliot Curie Research Institute for Radiation Biology
1981-89 Development of the Evolite (later Bioptron) medicinal lamp; research of the medical uses of polarized light and its effects on the immune system
1989 Research of the effects of polarized light on the immune system at the Slade Hospital in Oxford (UK)
1995 Research of the effects of polarized light in the treatment of tumorous animals at the Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv (Israel)
1990- Establishing and managing the Bioptron Medical Centre in Budapest until the present day
1999- Research and development of SensoliteR
1985 WIPO(World Exhibition for Young Inventors): first prize for the Evolite lamp
1986 Zenith gold medal for the Evolite lamp
1987 Grand Prize of the Budapest International Fair (BNV)for the Evolite lamp
1996 Gold medal of the Eureka 96 International Invention World Expo in Brussels for the establishment and creation of the unique model of the Bioptron Medical Centre
1996 Prize of the Mayor of Brussels awarded once a year to inventions of great significance
1998 and 2002 GENIUS Prize of the GENIUS World Innovation Fairs for the invention of polarized light therapy and for its upgrade designed for the treatment of the entire surface of the human body
2000 Gold medal for the invention of polarized light treatment of the entire surface of the human body at the Eureka 2000 World Innovation Fair in Brussels (Belgium)
2006 Pro Familiae Lifetime Achievement Prize of the Ministry for Equal Opportunities for the significant role of polarized light therapy in human medicine