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Improved concentration package

This package is recommended for people who need very good performance on certain occasions (e.g. important meeting, business, and exams).

SENSOLITE light therapy can be effectively used by college and university students if they want to achieve the best performance during exam. Regular light therapy is recommended for the same group in the case of excessive load as well as treating energy deficiency caused by increased stress, decreased sleeping time, and lack of resting and relaxation.


For managers it is advisable to start the treatment at any time as regular light therapy is very beneficial for them since it is equivalent with a 2-week summer holiday and relaxation. During the course of treatment they become energized, relaxed from stress and harmful the effects of mental and physical load. Overloaded body is getting ill more easily, so regular light therapy provides them with health protective and preventive effects in addition to energisation.

For colleges and university students it is advisable to use light therapy during the exam period in a way that the last treatments coincide with the end of exams. It is recommended to schedule a more concentrated series of treatment on the most important days: for managers and executives, light treatment is recommended every day, 2-3 days before the important meeting, preferably in the morning; university and college students should come to the Sensolite Gyógycentrum on 2 subsequent days before the day of the exam.



I. Healthcare professional’s opinion
“This package is not only for older generations, since the concentration skills of children going elementary school can and should be enhanced by Sensolite light therapy. Cells and organs (e.g. the brain) get less oxygen than required for healthy and effective function due to sedentary lifestyle, additional lessons, long sitting in front of a computer. Sensolite may enhance concentration by improving capillary circulation. After light therapy not only their writing was improved, but their micro-movements, co-ordination and school performance also got better. They were calmer and able to concentrate and perform better during lessons. Basketball players reported that light therapy prior to their matches enhances their ability to concentrate.” Éva Királyné Dávid, health management consultant


II. Patients’ experience
“I would like to share my experience after the use of Sensolite with everybody. I started to use (light therapy) mainly to prevent diseases. I feel very energised after every treatment and this effect remains for days. I can concentrate better, and somehow I can bear more loads and I am less irritated. When I feel exhausted I get to Sensolite to relax and be energized. Additionally, my skin looks better from the therapy.” L. K.


“After 11 treatment sessions: although it does not alleviate headaches caused by weather fronts, it is useful for many other things. Multiple benefits include improvement of serious cold, wound-healing, rheumatic problems, anxiety, blood problems and indirectly improvement of my fellow cancer patients. For me Sensolite’s gift is that I feel well and as I experience it I believe in the support of the immune system.” S. Sz.


“After 2-3 treatments I felt significant improvement in my mental-physical performance. I felt intensity at work that I hadn’t experienced for years; my boss was very satisfied with my work. Thank you.” Mrs K. Gy.


“I and my friend also bought a 10-session ticket at the beginning of summer because we heard a lot of good information from the Internet and our acquaintances. We care about our health, especially, because we live a very intensive life and we think it will have an impact on us in the long term. After approximately 4-5 treatments my friend was disappointed and said he didn’t feel anything anymore. It was strange for me as, initially, I did not like the idea of trying Sensolite but even after the first session I saw changes on my dehydrated skin and after 2-3 sessions my colleagues noted that they did not know by which technique but I became more beautiful and seemed calmer. After around this a change happened. Arriving home from his training my boyfriend gladly told me that he could not get tired and he could do technical exercise more easily, and later he admitted that he became more creative in his work. We have been using light therapy since then; I once a week and my boyfriend at least twice a week as he says he needs it. It helped us a lot and we recommend it for everybody. Thank you.” D. É.


“After 2-3 treatments I felt significant improvement in my mental-physical performance. I felt intensity at work that I hadn’t experienced for years; my boss was very satisfied with my work. Thank you.” Mrs K. Gy




III. Therapeutic recommendation

Standard weekly therapeutic recommendation:


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
3 3 2 2 2 2



Maintenance package

Weekly therapeutic recommendation


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
2 2 2 1 1 1 1



The treatment frequency recommended by us provides results but if our Patient feels that he/she wants to use Sensolite light therapy more frequently, he/she has the possibility to do so after consultation in the Gyógycentrum. However, please note that the energizing effect of light therapy sometimes speeds up the body, thus excessive light treatment may cause sleep problems. Additionally, in such cases light therapy is recommended in the morning instead of evening before bedtime. If you should be active in the evening or at night, it is recommended to come to the Sensolite Gyógycentrum before your activity.

Information in this package offer are based on reports from subjective experience of patients and their treating physicians after intended use of SENSOLITE device. The patients and their treating physicians may mention positive effects in their reports that do not fall within the scope of the approved indication of the device based on the applicable regulations.


Information in this package offer – that is based on patients’ and doctors’ experience – is not supported by clinical research results. Thus, in accordance with the applicable law, the health effects of the treatment are not considered proven in the areas specified in the package offer; however, they are suitable for suggesting the direction of future research.


Based on the above, beneficial effects listed in the package offer are for information only and the effect of treatments may show individual variations. You should consult your doctor before use as an adjuvant therapy. The use of SENSOLITE device does not replace conservative therapies and medicines prescribed by a doctor.